Dobrodošli u Bailliage Hrvatske




Welcome to the Bailliage of Croatia


La Chaîne des Rôtisseurs
Association Mondiale de la Gastronomie



Globalna zajednica usmjerena bratstvu, prijateljstvu, druženju i dijeljenju strasti prema kulinarskim umjetnostima.




A global community whose focus is brotherhood, friendship, camaraderie and sharing a passion for the culinary arts


Sa gotovo 25,000 članova, Chaîne des Rôtisseurs je Međunarodno gastronomsko udruženje sa podružnicama u više od 80 zemalja svijeta, s ciljem zbližavanja entuzijasta koji dijele vrednovanje kvalitete, vrhunske hrane, poticanja kulinarskih umjetnosti i gastronomskog užitka.

Osobitost našeg udruženja je zbližavanje amatera i profesionalaca iz cijeloga svijeta, bez obzira jesu li vrhunski šefovi kuhinje ili sommelieri.




With nearly 25,000 members, the Chaîne des Rôtisseurs is an International Association of Gastronomy now established in over 80 countries bringing together enthusiasts who share the same values of quality, fine dining, the encouragement of the culinary arts and the pleasures of the table. The distinctive character of our association is to bring together amateurs and professionals, from all over the world, whether they are hoteliers, restaurateurs, executive chefs or sommeliers, in the appreciation of fine cuisine.


Chaîne des Rôtisseurs poziva sve ljubitelje gastronomije, dobre hrane i kvalitetnih vina da podijele svoju predanost izvrsnosti i bratstvu koja nas ujedinjuje u razvoju vrhunskih kulinarskih tradicija.



The Chaîne des Rôtisseurs invites all lovers of gastronomy, good food and fine wines to share its values of excellence and brotherhood, uniting us in the continuation of great culinary traditions


First Croatian Chapitre - CHAÍNE DES RÔTISSEURS, Bailliage de Croatie
The event took place on 21.11.2018. in the Emerald Ballroom of Esplanade Zagreb Hotel and was an exquisite experience of the inauguration ceremony and super (...)
Education and international competitions
Our special mission is enabling local young cooks and sommeliers to participate in prestigious international competitions (Jeunes Chefs Rôtisseurs and Jeunes Sommeliers). We’ll (...)
As part of our Association there is also humanitarian branch that helps our fellow citizens in need, especially children. We’ll regularly inform about these activities.

National events